Company information

Suzhou Hangxin Electrostatic Science And Technology Qco., Ltd. Founded in 2003 year, It is the Manufacturer Trader main business are Turnover box, Hollow board case, Tray and Case inner lining, etc. . If you need this product,you can contact: Zhang Juwu( General Manager)

Company Details

Main business : Turnover box, Hollow board case, Tray and Case inner lining, etc.

Corporation nature: Manufacturer Trader

Postal code: 215156

Since: 2003

Employees: 0

Contacts: Zhang Juwu

Position: General Manager


Email: -

Website :

Beishi Matouxi, 209 Shengdao, Cangshu Town, Wuzhong, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China Posted By Company/ 2011-11-30