Company information

Sixian Dongjiao Structural Component Factory Founded in 1985 year, and Employ Number are 30 People It is the Manufacturer main business are Prefabricated plate, Floorslab, Stair slab, Culvert pipe . If you need this product,you can contact: Qiu Hongji( Factory Director)

Company Details

Main business : Prefabricated plate, Floorslab, Stair slab, Culvert pipe

Corporation nature: Manufacturer

Postal code: 234300

Since: 1985

Employees: 30

Contacts: Qiu Hongji

Position: Factory Director


Email: -

Website : http://

Bianguang Cun, Sicheng Zhen, Sixian, Suzhou, Anhui, China Posted By Company/ 2011-11-30